Head Master is the incharge of Academics and through various committees he administers the day to day work with the help of Assistant Head Master.
Bhonsala Military School is affiliated to Maharashtra Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education. Besides emphasis on daily work, cadets are evaluated through Unit tests. The academic session is divided into two terms and each term ends with a Terminal exam. Cadet's promotion depends upon their performance in Unit tests and Terminal exams. We strictly follow Rules and Regulations framed by the State Education Department. This being a Military School, excellence in Military Training and Moral Education is mandatory for cadet's promotion to the next class. A highly trained staff of 36 teachers have been year after year producing 100% results with maximum students achieving high marks.
Since our school is Residential in nature and Military in character, we enforce discipline in letter and spirit.
Study and Homework under vigilant supervision proves very helpful. Homework is checked daily to ensure regular progress of the cadets in the right direction.
Our Resident Teachers take up a role of friend-philosopher-guide and the buddy system between the cadets ensures that they are properly cared for.