The festival of Krishna Janmashtami was celebrated on Saturday 9th Sept 2023 in the school with religious fervor. Various fun games and an Inter Company Dahi Handi Competition were held on the occasion, in the presence of the Chief Guest Mr Rahul Dixit, Secretary, CHMES Nagpur Division, Col Amarendra Hardas (Retd), Commandant, Mr Ajay Shirke, Head Master and the staff. The brief of the games conducted is given on succeeding paragraphs.
Krishna Making Competition:
Each Company was made to field a team of four (04) cadets. Out of four, three cadets will help one cadet to wear saree and will apply beautifying products to make a beautiful Krishna. As soon as five minutes time was over, the Krishna who is ready, had to stand in front of the guests. All teams participated with full gusto amidst loud cheering of the cadets.
The positions of the companies are as follows:
Company |
Position |
Subhashchandra Bose |
I |
Shivaji |
II |
Swami Vivekanand |
Rana Pratap |
IV |
Banana Eating Competition:
Each Company fielded three (03) Cadets for this game. Two cadets of each team were blind folded. One blind folded cadet was made to sit in the chair, while another was deployed five meter away with banana. One cadet of each team who could see the event can tell blind folded cadets, had to go to a next blind folded boy on the chair and made him to eat banana and come back to his original place. The cadet who made him eat banana earliest and more in number was declared as a winner. Once again all teams participated with extreme enthusiasm.
The company positions are as follows :
Company |
Position |
Subhashchandra Bose |
I |
Swami Vivekanand |
II |
Rana Pratap |
Shivaji |
IV |
Tug of War:
It is a muscle power game. The game involved usage of single equipment i.e. rope. There is a red mark in the middle of the rope. The team which makes the red mark cross the crease marked on the other side of the pitch, wins the game. A team of 19 cadets from each company participated wholeheartedly in the game.
The results are as follows:
Company |
Position |
Subhashchandra Bose |
I |
Swami Vivekanand |
II |
Shivaji |
Rana Pratap |
IV |
Dahi Handi Competition:
Inter Company Dahi Handi Competition was held as part of the Krishna Janmashtami Celebrations wherein a team of 30 senior cadets participated. As a precursor to the event, Mrs Aradhana Pingle, Asst Teacher addressed the cadets. While addressing she stated that the event of Dahi Handi depicts the Bal Leela of Lord Krishna, which teaches us some very valuable lessons. She stressed on three golden rules i.e., 'Team Work'. 'Share' and 'Care', which means we should work in unison to achieve success. However, we should not forget to share and care for our mates, who assisted us in achieving the desired goal
She drew a parallel between the story of 'Kalia Mardan, a gigantic poisonous snake, who was tamed by Lord Krishna, to the present days polluted conditions of our rivers. Most of the Indian rivers are highly polluted and it is up to us to keep our water bodies clean. Lord Krishna taught us to respect our natural resources. We must not forget to keep balance of the Universe, while enjoying the fruits of these resources, said Mrs Pingle while concluding her speech. Dahi Handi Competition was contested in a highly charged atmosphere. The cadets joined with each other to make a human pyramid in the shortest time frame and break the handi. All the companies were able to make their pyramids in first attempt itself, despite their rivals trying to disrupt their efforts by throwing water on them.
Results of Dahi Handi Competition are as follows:
Company |
Position |
Time Taken |
Rana Pratap |
I |
38 Seconds |
Subhashchandra Bose |
II |
43 Seconds |
Shivaji |
58 Seconds |
Swami Vivekanand |
IV |
2.20 min |
The emcee of the programme was Cdt Harshal Mendhe of class 9th B.